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layered design & lifestyle


Maxime Quoilin + Room Zoo from zeitguised =   friedman benda

If my brain could paint itself, i mean take if it would jump out my scull and paint itself, how would it turn out ? maybe it would go color and shape shifting into some strange mutation! i started  sipping on a book about time today…conte-play-ting  the mind candy on wondering off threw whole life constructing  these  meta thoughts!!  theory of chaos might be my personal re-legion, can i cal it that? I would love to implant shapes into painting with oils one day soon!! if I would paint on 4 different layeres of windows, would it be a painting or a installation? if i would frame it? how do we categorize, tag and store our personal memories ….how parallel is a parallel thought? how much can we know about vs not knowing anything about a person, how much can a picture say and how is the real is your bio- shape? and how much is makeup? how much do we challenge and get challenged? how challenging do alike minds play in contrast to the opposite ones? and what is really an opposite? why do we self impose boundaries we wish to break? how much will we share and how much do we hide in the new generation?  why do we have the tastebuds we have for – life? -food? -thoughts? -souls? -music? -art? -making? -shaping? -time? -what matters to us? what is quality? what is luxury for you?  how much do we redefine? how does our mind filter…


Live 11 from KORB on Vimeo.

I think my mind is on a buzz of some sort,..only 2 coffies and a hot chokolate today, sooouu, why? i dooouuunt know!! maybe there’s some energy storms in space ?Iam  just rotating spaces and forms in the air, and I was sooo looking fwd to sleep early and rest after stepp+ing up all activities lately…but noo..why sleep? oh whyyy?? so i hang in bed and my mind goes painting a painting inside the skull..ok? with some raindeer juping into cubical twisted perspectives? whatz up? then these interiors for a gallery swoosj insides and change area and places…then a webconcept..and strange freestyle sessions classes ideas…then i took of in my mindspace.. made a heart sculpture and started animating it with crystal semi transperant spikes, and somhow melting cream and behind pieces oncardboard..made some funky name puzzles for idea have with a friend and imagined the photography around it, and got a buzz on flat holograms in mobile gadgets..  somehow tried to re-think  a piramid of many triangles all in white, or recaptured that strange thing landing i dreamt yesterday in a fog… i don´t know…i really need to sleep in order to continue that new day, i don´t like milk,so that wont´t help.. maybe if i heat up the room, maybe i would just buzz out somehow… now what? sleepless but yes, atleat got some of it down.. ARLABHOLOLOK game concept? yahh? what about minuture movie between the keybords letters? i should be really thinking bout those funky bags now…a video where different splashes of water get abstract sounds? what if nature would swap sounds for 4minutes? butterflies talking waterdroplet sounds? maybe i shoud eat something? i really don´t understand why i just don´t zoom off in pillow, and if i see myself in the mirror manana, will there be any brain activity there? or will i be a walking zombie for half a day? okay…my eyedlids got a litlle heavier…finally..ok try again…