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layered design & lifestyle


mapped by darklord disco and synthesized by christelle bonnet as we have the freedom to choose whatever we want, pararell choices lurk in, and spin within, free choice of a city, a creative expression, moral levels, lifestyle, reshaping from sctratch or buiding on the existing… how can to many choices spaghetiilize the system? funky thoughts byContinue reading “PA-RARE-ELLE CHOICE PERPLEXIA”


Onedreamrush / from Maxim Zhestkov on Vimeo. we wake up every day then,yes.. but what do we remeber from sleeping?, and when in dreamland, how much is what  we remember from beeing awake? morning blahs blahs…i think it will do me guud to go back to a city for a while…


While zuzing threw walls of designschools,  captured  attentions was the car designers, they were bending the forms, and most of the vehicles were bending towods spaceship and organic mashups, they were always rounding the surfaces of the edges and bending it toward new nows, this flesher hummer stimulates the wheeled vision to a different plane…Continue reading “CONCEPTUAL TRANSPORTERS”


wavekid just introduced me from these textile puzzlers from eindhoven, intresting how stuff expand puff and slurp in, more by MRRK on the larva and the toadstool.. the parasite and the ink storm is a curious piece to check outs! I pushed some buttons and freaked my header away, so ended changing the whole site again, minimal twitching..