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layered design & lifestyle


visionary, imaginary, a beautiful storyteller, breaking old ways and cutting forward new ones, with another space dimension…an inspiring maker and shaper of a new generations, with softness flow twisted in with the rough metal bite, generating secondskin beauty , a master chef feeding minds on the visual imaginary world, trasmission of imagination with a fascinating layers forms and a marker of a new era. Thank you for inspiring… wherever u are now…

Alexander McQueen: Iconic Moments from Jean Hürxkens on Vimeo.


song by normalites and visual mash by DreamExess /
there are songs that get to us, catchy..others, where the lyrics just get under the skin…states, memories, melancholy, feelings, motivations, familiar waves, inspirations…then the beats that just makes the whole body happy, angry, sad, searching for a rythm..they say we always look for the rythm we heard in our first home, the belly…others fascinate us visually…and then like an image, we can find that rythm, shape, feel..all depending how we look at it…then there are moments that it all crosses in a fine way…this one has a little of all..lust, irony of the title and lyrics…well..indeed addictive…*wink*…..,  with a great backbeat, smiling voice, and and beautiful visual fluid drop…so i just wanted to share this (couse who we share it and listn it with is another twist .) so to whover acesses this hidden frequency  <3 & flou *=!=* check outs here


Its like something let me go and I jumped on a familiar frequencies of the flow, somewhere i found my smile again, and all around me i get smiles from total strangers again…it fills my tanks, especially from the old and elderly passbyers…, realizing that nothing has to be constant, that don´t need to plan to fit in to what is expected, just do again, forget good and bad, and think inspiring or not…and everything will be whatever we choose it to be, whenever  with whoever… world is our playground, and we can have or be, balance it how we wish and explore whatever one desires, information diet lurked in,the mind filter got stronger and the head spaghetti somehow unwinded to a inspired flow momentum…


belinda chen &   kropilak

was thinkin of how bananas all is when we go for it and start changing everything in the physical world, but later on came croos this virual space invetigatum ,so decided could glued in here >>> digital-identities

“Today almost ev­erybody has at least one dig­ital rep­resentation on one of the nu­mer­ous social communities, like Flickr, Facebook and MySpace. We cre­ate these pro­files to ex­press our­selves, find friend­ship, connection and gain rep­u­tation…”


Ubald Klug more on puffs and crunch by belinda chen

so this strange little nature started bazookaing out snow yesterday nigh, after 90days of absents, and 50 years that time of a year, it just hugged the whole everything is puffed up and thick white,   finally the ice slippery layer got covered away…(i think i broke a tiny clumsy part of my nose on that by the way!!! ) one of the best things is the crunch sound when walking on tall powder snow, it just makes me feel good and get the cribbles to make something in the snou!! so i guess i´m hanging in winterlandia a little more.. and hot chokolate with creampuff seams like a objective!


mapped by darklord disco and synthesized by christelle bonnet

as we have the freedom to choose whatever we want, pararell choices lurk in, and spin within, free choice of a city, a creative expression, moral levels, lifestyle, reshaping from sctratch or buiding on the existing… how can to many choices spaghetiilize the system? funky thoughts by >>>>> barry schwartz <<<<<link<<<< on the paradox of choice