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the quest of freedom of thought and flirting with life…

so meet up with romangirl 4 beers after jobbing.. moved out from the old crib over a month ago (…) and many things happened since then..and all soo fast! good tooo take some bierras and chats after a time lapsus! good energy! and a old man trying to get someone to talk too…guess in were all looking for similar things…in different ways….20, 30 or 60, guess when i meet elder people and see them alone, i get babbly…(or maybe its the cervesas and the de la soul backgroud) and try to learn in some way from their experience, sometimes we i get answers and somtime not, somtimes more questions raise up.. so apart from all the lovely girl talk, asked this granpa about stuf i was wondering bout, espacially beeing a mix granpa of the world living in a small village in mexico, wakes up my curiocity…

and belive me i have many questions 😉 …. but one got me thinkin…i wondered if he could have a question, if he could ask and get an aswer to…what would it be..and he answered the meanig of life, or knowing why were here in a way…hmmm..i think were all curious souls…with many many quetsions, and think we have tried during centuries to answer it in many different ways..could think of many answers…but would we really wanna know the answer, i mean..what if someone would come and tell u that snwer of the meaning of life is….. wouldnt it kinda tear up the magic for the search, or maybe create even more deeper questions…i mean i guess sometime the magic of it all is the search for our own little anwers, isnt it what make it all kinda fun…

where would our motivation go?? what if we had nothing to search for? always wondered what ppl were searching for, remember when doing digital studies was intrested what ppl really googled up…my teacher seemed to have little answers to my odd found this application on goodgle of top searches in countries, where paris hilton was ruling the tops, then entered words that ment somthing to me and ended up they were mostly googled in bangalore, the sillicon valley in india, so got me curious if was the programming they did over ther or the actual searche hits….

guess we all all serching for answers of a lot of things, but think finding our own aswers is kinda a part of it all.. think were at this amazing time of space that we can acces information of the speed of thought, can u just imagine u had a question bout something before, would need to ride a horsback to a city with a library and try to hunt down the books of the records of a spesicific theme, our use a lifetime to gather information, now you just wikipedia it, create a dicussion and just get it all in an instant…(apart from the people u meet in life) i think thats one hell of a breakthrew…

my passion for the chaos theory in its root is very simple, was a theory didn´t need to limit myself, could put it all under one concept, and everything could work under it…never liked limits nor rules, and was raised in a certain freedom that made me bend and question and try to change barriers didn´t feel during my lifetime..the chaos theory gave my a freedom when writing my personal thesis, that could give me just that… the fact that the system could change in everysingle nanosecond could void the previous thoughts and that everything influenced everything, all things changed…guess gave me a felling of personal freedom…a feeling that in reality all could work…and minute was a new one..the everchanging all… guess some stuff we get answers to, some stuff we just feel and other stuff we go searching for threw lifes and eternities… guess its all part of the fun of life 😉

LOL (thing beer is hitting my mental system…)..