chair by richard hutten is a eye pleasure cling. It makes me wonder of that its somehow good with the autumn feel. Was missing it and looking fwd to freeze this year after overheating. Today its kinda white grey and colorless. Its raw in some way…, but its starting to cut threw skin surface thisContinue reading “CLOUDY”
Tag Archives: clouds
after moment snatching pics of fluffy clouds, sunset surfs, lobster closeups, instant caravaning and forestal sparkles on sunday, decided to click the camera more often of these fluffy oddities!! cacoon the camera in them! posted on clouds before (…) digg how they change in different climatic zones, just came across these puffs currrenly known asContinue reading “COTTON BALLS”
pillow clouds
flying into clouds now and then, and there is something up with the fluffiness in the air, those crustalized little particles flirting with the skies…luvs their shapes and how the imagination creates images, how they have the huggable form they sometimes doo, how they change to the spacedust and lightning, , the way can seeContinue reading “pillow clouds”