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layered design & lifestyle


As various territories fight battles and celebrate independence day , it makes me thinks about the humanusus and my own ego´s latest independence. After system reboots…after knotting and twisting without unwinds… wanting to hear my self think,…walk my own ways… and fight for a independent republic of myself? What next … mind scrubbing, and fillingsContinue reading “POLONAISE INN-DA-PEN-DANCE DAY”


just peeped threw todayandtomorrow and saw this snap by marching ants, its a dust storm from sydney from the 23rd!!!  Been swoosjing threw the orange color inside the scull for two days now, strange coincidence!! eyebrow flexing!! Read somewhere sometime that orange had hallucinogenic properties, once painted the floor of my studio orange. tangerine moodContinue reading “DUSTY”


I smashed a glass shade yesterday, an hour later a new lampshade took shape, with a collaborative spirit!  In the same timezone tried slowly and subtly and repeatedly detaching a frame from a 50´s tv without destroying, which ended up in going around and almost waiting for tomorrow, when a motivating voices came and impulsedContinue reading “break/ing”

half full or empty splash?

enjoyment and quality of life can be taken in in duo strategies as Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi puts it, One is that the external factors are in position with our goals, and the other the other is change our experience of the exteraal to adapt them to our goals!  what say thou??? complexity of the human conciousness!Continue reading “half full or empty splash?”